Source code for androlyze.analyze.BaseAnalyzer

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__author__ = "Nils Tobias Schmidt"
__email__ = "schmidt89 at"

from multiprocessing import Value, Queue, RLock
from androlyze.util import Util

[docs]class BaseAnalyzer(object): ''' Base analyzer which offers functions for analyzing an apk file with the help of androguard. It can use scripts that derive from `AndroScript`. ''' def __init__(self, storage, script_list, script_hashes, min_script_needs, apks_or_paths, cnt_apks = None, storage_results = None, **kwargs): ''' Use the `import_scripts` method to get a list<type<AndroScript>> from a list of absolute paths (to the scripts). Parameters ---------- storage: RedundantStorage The storage to store the results. script_list: list<type<AndroScript>> List of `AndroScript`s references (not instantiated class!) script_hashes : list<str>, optional (default is None) If given, set the hash for the `AndroScript`s min_script_needs : tuple<bool> See :py:method:`ScriptUtil.get_maximal_script_options`. apks_or_paths: iterable<str> or list<Apk>, optional (default is []) List of `Apk` or paths to the apks which shall be analyzed with the given scripts If you analyze from paths the `import_date` is not set! cnt_apks : int, optional Total number of apks to analyze. If not given, calculate it. storage_results : Queue<tuple<str, bool>>, optional (default is Queue) Storage results. First component is the id of the entry and the second a boolean indication if the result has been stored in gridfs. Will be created if not supplied! Raises ------ AndroScriptError If an error happened while initializing some `AndroScript`. ''' super(BaseAnalyzer, self).__init__() if apks_or_paths is None: apks_or_paths = [] self.__storage = storage self.__script_list = script_list self.__script_hashes = script_hashes self.__min_script_needs = min_script_needs if cnt_apks is None: # calculate cnt apks if not given apks_or_paths, cnt_apks = Util.count_iterable_n_clone(apks_or_paths) self.__apks_or_paths = apks_or_paths self._cnt_apks = cnt_apks # shared memory self._cnt_analyzed_apks = Value('i', 0, lock = RLock()) if storage_results is None: storage_results = Queue() self._storage_results = storage_results
[docs] def get_storage(self): return self.__storage
[docs] def get_script_list(self): return self.__script_list
[docs] def get_script_hashes(self): return self.__script_hashes
[docs] def get_apks_or_paths(self): return self.__apks_or_paths
[docs] def get_min_script_needs(self): return self.__min_script_needs
[docs] def set_storage(self, value): self.__storage = value
[docs] def set_script_list(self, value): self.__script_list = value
[docs] def set_script_hashes(self, value): self.__script_hashes = value
[docs] def set_apks_or_paths(self, value): self.__apks_or_paths = value
[docs] def set_min_script_needs(self, value): self.__min_script_needs = value
[docs] def del_storage(self): del self.__storage
[docs] def del_script_list(self): del self.__script_list
[docs] def del_script_hashes(self): del self.__script_hashes
[docs] def del_apks_or_paths(self): del self.__apks_or_paths
[docs] def del_min_script_needs(self): del self.__min_script_needs
storage = property(get_storage, set_storage, del_storage, "StorageInterface : The storage to store the results.") script_list = property(get_script_list, set_script_list, del_script_list, "list<type<AndroScript>> : List of `AndroScript`s references (not instantiated class!)") script_hashes = property(get_script_hashes, set_script_hashes, del_script_hashes, "list<str>, optional (default is None) : If given, set the hash for the `AndroScript`s") apks_or_paths = property(get_apks_or_paths, set_apks_or_paths, del_apks_or_paths, "iterable<str> or list<Apk>, optional (default is []) : List of `Apk` or paths to the apks which shall be analyzed with the given scripts. If you analyze from paths the `import_date` is not set!") min_script_needs = property(get_min_script_needs, set_min_script_needs, del_min_script_needs, "tuple<bool> : See :py:method:`ScriptUtil.get_maximal_script_options`.")
[docs] def analyze(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' Start the analysis and store the results in the predefined place. Returns ------- int Number of analyzed apks ''' res = self._analyze(*args, **kwargs) if self.storage_results: self.storage_results.close() return res
def _analyze(self): ''' Implement this method in the Analyzer subclass. Returns ------- int Number of analyzed apks ''' raise NotImplementedError ############################################################ #---Shared memory ############################################################
[docs] def get_cnt_analyzed_apks(self): return self._cnt_analyzed_apks
[docs] def set_cnt_analyzed_apks(self, value): ''' Parameters ---------- value : int ''' self._cnt_analyzed_apks.value = value
[docs] def del_cnt_analyzed_apks(self): del self._cnt_analyzed_apks
cnt_analyzed_apks = property(get_cnt_analyzed_apks, set_cnt_analyzed_apks, del_cnt_analyzed_apks, "Value<int> : Shared memory integer showing the count of already analyzed apks")
[docs] def get_total_cnt(self): ''' Return the total number of apks to analyze. Returns ------- multiprocessing.Value Shared memory count. ''' return Value('i', self._cnt_apks)
[docs] def get_storage_results(self): return self._storage_results
[docs] def set_storage_results(self, value): self._storage_results = value
[docs] def del_storage_results(self): del self._storage_results
[docs] def add_storage_result(self, res): ''' Add `res` to the `storage_results`. Parameters ---------- res : tuple<str, bool> Storage results. First component is the id of the entry and the second a boolean indication if the result has been stored in gridfs. ''' self.storage_results.put(res)
storage_results = property(get_storage_results, set_storage_results, del_storage_results, "Queue<tuple<str, bool>> : Storage results. First component is the id of the entry and the second a boolean indication if the result has been stored in gridfs.") ############################################################ #---Helper ############################################################
[docs] def is_non_parallel_analyzer(self): ''' Check if `BaseAnalyzer` is `Analyzer` ''' from androlyze.analyze.Analyzer import Analyzer return isinstance(self, Analyzer)
[docs] def is_parallel_analyzer(self): ''' Check if `BaseAnalyzer` is `ParallelAnalyzer` ''' from androlyze.analyze.parallel.ParallelAnalyzer import ParallelAnalyzer return isinstance(self, ParallelAnalyzer)
[docs] def is_distributed_analyzer(self): ''' Check if `BaseAnalyzer` is `DistributedAnalyzer` ''' try: from androlyze.analyze.distributed.DistributedAnalyzer import DistributedAnalyzer # celery maybe not installed -> return False except ImportError: return False return isinstance(self, DistributedAnalyzer)