Source code for androlyze.analyze.parallel.AnalysisStatsView

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__author__ = "Nils Tobias Schmidt"
__email__ = "schmidt89 at"

from datetime import timedelta
import sys
from time import sleep
from time import time

from androlyze import Constants
from androlyze.util import Util
from androlyze.util.StopThread import StopThread
from Queue import Empty

[docs]class AnalysisStatsView(StopThread): ''' Updates the progress on the command line ''' def __init__(self, cnt_done, cnt_complete, analyzed_apks): ''' Parameters ---------- cnt_done : Value<int> Number of yet finished jobs. cnt_complete : int Complete count of jobs. analyzed_apks : Queue<FastAPK> Yet analyzed apks. ''' super(AnalysisStatsView, self).__init__() self.start_time = time() self.cnt_done = cnt_done self.cnt_complete = cnt_complete self.cnt_analyzed_apks = analyzed_apks self.last_analyzed_apk = "N/A" self.last_printed_str = ""
[docs] def get_latest_analyzed_apk_name(self): ''' Get the latest analyze apk name ''' try: fastapk = self.cnt_analyzed_apks.get_nowait() if fastapk: self.last_analyzed_apk = fastapk.short_description() else: self.last_analyzed_apk = "N/A" except Empty: pass finally: return self.last_analyzed_apk
[docs] def run(self): ''' Print progress until terminate `event` set ''' refresh_rate = Constants.PROGRESS_REFRESH_RATE / 1000.0 while not self.shall_terminate(): sleep(refresh_rate) self.print_progess() # print final progress before exiting self.print_progess() sys.stderr.write("\n")
[docs] def print_progess(self): ''' Show the progress on run ''' progress_str = Util.format_progress(self.cnt_done.value , self.cnt_complete) time_elapsed = timedelta(seconds=round(time() - self.start_time)) progress_str = '=> [%s | %s | %s]' % (progress_str, time_elapsed, self.get_latest_analyzed_apk_name()) sys.stdout.write("\r" + " " * len(self.last_printed_str)) Util.print_dyn_progress(progress_str) self.last_printed_str = progress_str