Source code for androlyze.analyze.parallel.Worker

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__author__ = "Nils Tobias Schmidt"
__email__ = "schmidt89 at"

from copy import deepcopy
from multiprocessing.process import Process

from androlyze.analyze import AnalyzeUtil
from androlyze.analyze.parallel import STOP_SENTINEL
from androlyze.log.Log import clilog, log
from androlyze.model.script import ScriptUtil
from import StorageException
from import FastApk

[docs]class Worker(Process): ''' Worker process that does the actual analysis ''' def __init__(self, script_list, script_hashes, min_script_needs, work_queue, storage, sm_analyzed_apks, analyzed_apks, storage_results = None): ''' Parameters ---------- script_list: list<type<AndroScript>> List of `AndroScript`s references (not instantiated class!) script_hashes : list<str>, optional (default is None) If given, set the hash for the `AndroScript`s min_script_needs : tuple<bool> See :py:method:`ScriptUtil.get_maximal_script_options`. work_queue : Queue<str> Queue with paths to apks which shall be analyzed. storage: RedundantStorage The storage to store the results. sm_analyzed_apks : Value Shared memory to add number of analyzed apks. analyzed_apks : Queue<FastAPK> Holds the analyzed APKs. storage_results : Queue<tuple<str, bool>>, optional (default is None) Storage results. First component is the id of the entry and the second a boolean indication if the result has been stored in gridfs. Raises ------ AndroScriptError If an error happened while initializing some `AndroScript` ''' super(Worker, self).__init__() # instantiate scripts self.androscripts = sorted(ScriptUtil.instantiate_scripts(script_list, script_hashes = script_hashes)) self.min_script_needs = min_script_needs # queues self.work_queue = work_queue self.analyzed_apks = analyzed_apks self.analyzed_apks.cancel_join_thread() self.work_queue.cancel_join_thread() = storage self.__sm_analyzed_apks = sm_analyzed_apks self.__storage_results = storage_results self.__storage_results.cancel_join_thread()
[docs] def get_storage_results(self): return self.__storage_results
[docs] def set_storage_results(self, value): self.__storage_results = value
[docs] def del_storage_results(self): del self.__storage_results
[docs] def get_androscripts(self): return self.__androscripts
[docs] def get_min_script_needs(self): return self.__min_script_needs
[docs] def get_work_queue(self): return self.__work_queue
[docs] def get_storage(self): return self.__storage
[docs] def set_androscripts(self, value): self.__androscripts = value
[docs] def set_min_script_needs(self, value): self.__min_script_needs = value
[docs] def set_work_queue(self, value): self.__work_queue = value
[docs] def set_storage(self, value): self.__storage = value
[docs] def del_androscripts(self): del self.__androscripts
[docs] def del_min_script_needs(self): del self.__min_script_needs
[docs] def del_work_queue(self): del self.__work_queue
[docs] def del_storage(self): del self.__storage
androscripts = property(get_androscripts, set_androscripts, del_androscripts, "list<AndroScript> : List of `AndroScript`s") min_script_needs = property(get_min_script_needs, set_min_script_needs, del_min_script_needs, " tuple<bool> : See :py:method:`ScriptUtil.get_maximal_script_options`.") work_queue = property(get_work_queue, set_work_queue, del_work_queue, "Queue<str> : Queue with paths to apks which shall be analyzed.") storage = property(get_storage, set_storage, del_storage, "RedundantStorage : The storage to store the results.") storage_results = property(get_storage_results, set_storage_results, del_storage_results, "Queue<tuple<str, bool>> : Storage results. First component is the id of the entry and the second a boolean indication if the result has been stored in gridfs.")
[docs] def add_storage_result(self, storage_result): ''' Add `res` to the `storage_results`. Parameters ---------- res : tuple<str, bool> Storage results. First component is the id of the entry and the second a boolean indication if the result has been stored in gridfs. ''' if self.storage_results is not None: self.storage_results.put(storage_result)
[docs] def add_analyzed_apks_sm(self, cnt_analyzed_apks): ''' Add `cnt_analyzed_apks` to the shared counter. Operation uses an lock! ''' with self.__sm_analyzed_apks.get_lock(): self.__sm_analyzed_apks.value += cnt_analyzed_apks
[docs] def analyze_apk(self, eandro_apk): ''' Analyze the `eandro_apk` and return the analysis results. Parameters ---------- eandro_apk : EAndroApk The apk to analyze. Returns ------- list<FastApk, AndroScript> None If error happened. ''' if eandro_apk is not None: # analysis res = AnalyzeUtil.analyze_apk(eandro_apk, self.androscripts, self.min_script_needs, reset_scripts = True) if res is not None: fastapk, scripts = res # we need to backup the scripts cause they will be reused for a new analysis res[1] = deepcopy(scripts) clilog.debug("analyzed %s", fastapk.short_description()) return res
def __store_results(self, results): ''' Store the results and increase the analyzed apks counter. Parameters ---------- results : list<FastApk, AndroScript> ''' for res in results: # unpack results fastapk, script_results = res for script in script_results: try: storage_result = AnalyzeUtil.store_script_res(, script, fastapk) self.add_storage_result(storage_result) except StorageException as e: log.warn(e) self.add_analyzed_apks_sm(1)
[docs] def run(self): work_queue = self.work_queue try: for work in iter(work_queue.get, STOP_SENTINEL): try: apk_path, _apk, _ = work eandro_apk = AnalyzeUtil.open_apk(apk_path, apk=_apk) # do the analysis res = self.analyze_apk(eandro_apk) # remember yet analyzed APKs if eandro_apk: self.analyzed_apks.put(FastApk.load_from_eandroapk(eandro_apk)) # collect results if res is not None: self.__store_results([res]) else: # increment analyzed apks counter self.add_analyzed_apks_sm(1) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: raise e except Exception as e: log.exception(e) finally: # signal one task done work_queue.task_done() # signal sentinel read work_queue.task_done() work_queue.close() # be silent except KeyboardInterrupt: pass