Source code for androlyze.model.script.AndroScript

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__author__ = "Nils Tobias Schmidt"
__email__ = "schmidt89 at"

from datetime import datetime

from androlyze.analyze.exception import AndroScriptError
from androlyze.log.Log import log
from androlyze.model.Resetable import Resetable
from androlyze.model.analysis.result.ResultObject import ResultObject
from androlyze.model.analysis.result.StaticResultKeys import *
from androlyze.model.script import ScriptUtil
from import JSON_FILE_EXT
from androlyze.util.Util import timeit, sha256

[docs]class AndroScript(object, Resetable, Hashable): ''' Base class for `androguard` scripts which offers a consistent way of logging the analysis results with the help of the :py:class:`~ResultObject` If you don't want json data as output you can use a different object for result logging. See :py:meth:`.AndroScript.custom_result_object`. Overwrite the `_analyze` function to write your custom script! Also set the options your script needs. See the methods prefixed with `needs`. Be sure to specify the script version with the `VERSION` variable! You can test your script with the `test` method. This helps to find errors and unregistered keys very fast. ''' # Set your script version! VERSION = None def __init__(self): Hashable.__init__(self) self.__name = self.__class__.__name__ self.reset() def __str__(self): if self.VERSION: return '%s %s' % (, self.VERSION) return def __repr__(self): return "%s" % ( def __cmp__(self, other): if isinstance(other, AndroScript): return cmp(, return 1
[docs] def get_cres(self): return self.__cres
[docs] def set_cres(self, value): self.__cres = value
[docs] def del_cres(self): del self.__cres
[docs] def get_res(self): return self.__res
[docs] def set_res(self, value): self.__res = value
[docs] def del_res(self): del self.__res
[docs] def get_name(self): return self.__name
[docs] def set_name(self, value): self.__name = value
[docs] def del_name(self): del self.__name
[docs] def get_file_name_ext(self): return self.__file_name_ext
[docs] def set_file_name_ext(self, value): self.__file_name_ext = value
[docs] def del_file_name_ext(self): del self.__file_name_ext
file_name_ext = property(get_file_name_ext, set_file_name_ext, del_file_name_ext, "str, optional (default is `JSON_FILE_EXT`) : The file name extension.") res = property(get_res, set_res, del_res, "ResultObject : keeps the analysis results") cres = property(get_cres, set_cres, del_cres, "object, optional (default is None) : Custom result object for logging") name = property(get_name, set_name, del_name, "str : the name of the script (class name)")
[docs] def analyze(self, apk, dalvik_vm_format, vm_analysis, gvm_analysis, *args, **kwargs): ''' Analyze the given `EAndroApk` and return the `ResultObject`. Parameters ---------- apk: EAndroApk dalvik_vm_format: DalvikVMFormat Parsed .dex file. Only available if `needs_dalvik_vm_format` returns True. vm_analysis: VMAnalysis Dex analyzer. Only available if `needs_vmanalysis` returns True. gvm_analysis : GVMAnalysis Other Parameters ---------------- log_script_meta : bool, optional (default is True) Can be used to disable logging of script meta infos at all. Otherwise they will be logged only once. Returns ------- ResultObject Raises ------ NotImplementedError If `AndroScript.VERSION` not specified ''' res = self.res log_script_meta = kwargs.get("log_script_meta", True) if log_script_meta: self._log_script_meta_before_act_run(res) # analyze and measure time time_s = timeit(self._analyze, *((apk, dalvik_vm_format, vm_analysis, gvm_analysis) + args), **kwargs) if log_script_meta and self.create_script_stats(): self._log_script_meta_after_act_run(res, time_s) return self.res
############################################################ #---Implement these functions in a subclass ############################################################ def _analyze(self, apk, dalvik_vm_format, vm_analysis, gvm_analysis, *args, **kwargs): ''' Overwrite this function in apk subclass to build your own script! Use the `ResultObject` for logging. Parameters ---------- apk: EAndroApk dalvik_vm_format: DalvikVMFormat Parsed .dex file. Only available if `needs_dalvik_vm_format` returns True. vm_analysis: VMAnalysis Dex analyzer. Only available if `needs_vmanalysis` returns True. gvm_analysis : GVMAnalysis ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def custom_result_object(self): ''' Overwrite this method, if you want to use your own result logging framework/object, You can supply it here and access it via `self.cres`. E.g. you could return ("", "txt") for simply logging with a string to a .txt file. The str representation of it will be stored! Automatically stores your data (str() of `self.cres`) in mongodb's gridfs. The `ResultObject` in `self.res` is still existing and internally used to log some meta information. Returns ------- tuple<object, str> First argument is the result object you want to use, the second is the file name extension used for storage (without a leading point) ''' raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the `AndroScript` so that it can be used for a new analysis. If you do a custom initialization in your script, you probably want do put the init code inside this method. Don't forget to call the super `reset` ! ''' # we need to (re)init the result object self.__res, self.__file_name_ext = ResultObject(None), JSON_FILE_EXT # custom result object try: self.__cres, self.__file_name_ext = self.custom_result_object() except NotImplementedError: self.__cres = None
############################################################ #---Script requirements ############################################################
[docs] def needs_dalvik_vm_format(self): ''' Gives access to the `DalvikVMFormat` object which is a parser for the classes.dex file ''' return False
[docs] def needs_vmanalysis(self): ''' Gives access to the `VMAnalysis` object which is a analyzer for the `DalvikVMFormat` object ''' return False
[docs] def needs_gvmanalysis(self): ''' Gives access to the `GVMAnalysis` object. Creates a graph which you can use for export (gexf etc) or do your custom stuff ''' return False
[docs] def needs_xref(self): ''' Create cross references. Automatically implies `needs_dalvik_vm_format`, `needs_vmanalysis` and `needs_gvmanalysis` ''' return False
[docs] def needs_dref(self): ''' Create data references. Automatically implies `needs_dalvik_vm_format`, `needs_vmanalysis` and `needs_gvmanalysis` ''' return False
############################################################ #---Options ############################################################
[docs] def create_script_stats(self): ''' If true, create some script statistics and write them into the `ResultObject` ''' return False
[docs] def is_big_res(self): ''' Return true, if your result may exceed 16mb. This will store your data (str() of `self.cres`) in mongodb's gridfs. You don't need to return true, if you're using a different result object! (see :py:meth:`.custom_result_object`) This will be done automatically. ''' return False
############################################################ #---Testing stuff ############################################################ @staticmethod
[docs] def test(script, apk_paths): ''' Use this function to develop and test your script. E.g. find unregistered keys and other errors. Parameters ---------- script : type The reference to the script which shall be tested (not instantiated!) apk_paths : iterable<str> Paths to apks Examples -------- >>> for res in AndroScript.test(ClassDetails, ["../../../testenv/apks/a2dp.Vol.apk"]): ... # get result object ... print res ... # get json ... print res.write_to_json() Returns ------- list<ResultObject> The `ResultObject` for every analyzed apk ''' # no circular import from androlyze.analyze.Analyzer import Analyzer res = [] try: # init scripts to get options inst_script_list = ScriptUtil.instantiate_scripts([script]) script_options = ScriptUtil.get_minimum_script_options(inst_script_list) script_list = [script] # options: storage, script_list, script_hashes, min_script_needs, apks_or_paths # but the analyzer needs the scripts uninitialized! ana = Analyzer(None, script_list, None, script_options, apk_paths) res = ana.analyze(test = True) except AndroScriptError as e: log.exception(e) return res
############################################################ #---Script meta logging ############################################################ def _log_script_meta_before_act_run(self, res, *args, **kwargs): ''' Log script meta infos before actual script run ''' if self.VERSION is None: raise NotImplementedError("You need to define the version of your script!") res.register_keys([RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_NAME, RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_HASH, RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_ANALYSIS_DATE, RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_VERSION], RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META) res.log(RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_NAME,, RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META) res.log(self.KEY_HASH, self.hash, RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META) res.log(RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_VERSION, self.VERSION, RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META) # add analysis date res.log(RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_ANALYSIS_DATE, datetime.utcnow(), RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META) def _log_script_meta_after_act_run(self, res, time_s, *args, **kwargs): ''' Log script meta infos after actual script run ''' # log time res.register_keys([RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_TIME_SCRIPT], RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META) res.log(RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_TIME_SCRIPT, time_s, RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META) ############################################################ #---Other ############################################################
[docs] def uses_custom_result_object(self): ''' Check if the script uses a custom result object for logging ''' return self.cres is not None
[docs] def add_apk_androguard_analyze_time(self, seconds): ''' Add the androguard analyze time to the `ResultObject`. This is also a good moment to calculate the complete time. ''' if self.create_script_stats(): res = self.res # log androguard open time res.register_keys([RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_ANALYZE_TIME, RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_TIME_TOTAL], RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META) res.log(RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_ANALYZE_TIME, seconds, RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META) # log total time total_time = seconds + res[RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META][RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_TIME_SCRIPT] res.log(RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_TIME_TOTAL, total_time, RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META)
[docs] def result_dict(self, gen_id = False): ''' Returns an `OrderedDict` holding information about the analyzed `Apk` as well as the script, as well as eventually user logged infos. Parameters ---------- gen_id : bool, optional (default is False) Generate an id = sha256(apk hash + script name) and store it under the "_id" key. Returns ------- OrderedDict ''' res_dict = self.res.description_dict() if gen_id: res_dict[RESOBJ_ID] = self.gen_unique_id() return res_dict
[docs] def gen_unique_id(self): ''' Generate an unique id = sha256(apk hash + script name) ''' try: return sha256(self.res.apk.hash + except AttributeError: log.warn('Could not calculate unique id for %s', self) raise
[docs] def get_file_name(self): ''' Get the file name used for storage ''' apk = self.res.apk return '%s_%s_%s.%s' % (apk.package_name, apk.version_name,, self.file_name_ext)
[docs] def load_from_result_dict(res_dict, apk = None): ''' Load an `AndroScript` from the `res_dict`. Parameters ---------- res_dict : dict See `ResultObject.description_dict` apk : Apk, optional (default is None) Link to `ResultObject` to `apk` ''' ascript = AndroScript() = res_dict[RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META][RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_NAME] ascript.hash = res_dict[RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META][RESOBJ_SCRIPT_META_HASH] result_object = ResultObject() result_object.results = res_dict ascript.res = result_object # link to apk ascript.res.apk = apk return ascript