Source code for androlyze.settings.Settings

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__author__ = "Nils Tobias Schmidt"
__email__ = "schmidt89 at"

import ConfigParser
from os.path import abspath, expanduser
import sys

from androlyze.settings.exception import ConfigFileNotFoundError, ConfigError

[docs]class Settings(object): ''' This class is a wrapper around a `ConfigParser` to retrieve and write settings in a more convenient way. For (over)writing settings, be sure to use the with construct! Otherwise the file handle will not be closed. Examples -------- >>> # just for doctest passing tests (file needs to exist) >>> f = open("test.conf", "w") >>> f.close() >>> # the entries >>> entry = ("SectionName", "Option1") >>> entry2 = ("SectionName", "Option2") >>> entry3 = ("SectionName2", "Option1") >>> # If you want to write some settings use the with construct to close the file after writing! >>> s = None >>> try: ... with Settings("test.conf") as s: ... s[entry] = "value1" ... s[entry2] = "value2" ... s[entry3] = "value1" ... except ConfigFileNotFoundError as e: ... pass ... finally: ... print s Settings: SectionName : [('option1', 'value1'), ('option2', 'value2')], SectionName2 : [('option1', 'value1')] >>> # read settings >>> try: ... print s[entry] ... print len(s) ... print entry in s ... for section, items in s: ... print '%s : %s' % (section, items) ... except ConfigFileNotFoundError: ... pass value1 3 True SectionName : [('option1', 'value1'), ('option2', 'value2')] SectionName2 : [('option1', 'value1')] ''' def __init__(self, config_path, default_path = None, *args, **kwargs): ''' The file under `config_path` has to exists (at least if no `default_path` has been given). Parameters ---------- config_path : str The path to the config file default_path : str, optional (default is None). The path to the config file with default values. None means don't load default values. Raises ------ ConfigFileNotFoundError If the config file could not be opened. ''' super(Settings, self).__init__() self.__config_parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser(*args, **kwargs) self.__config_path = config_path # file pointer for writing self.__fp_write = None # try to open the config files try: if default_path is not None: with open(default_path, "r") as fp: self.__config_parser.readfp(fp) try: with open(config_path, "r") as fp: self.__config_parser.readfp(fp) except IOError: # only throw exception that config has not been found if no default config specified if default_path is None: raise except (IOError,ConfigParser.Error) as e: raise ConfigFileNotFoundError(abspath(config_path), e), None, sys.exc_info()[2] def __str__(self): return 'Settings: %s' % '\n\t'.join(('%s : %s' % (section, key_val_list) for section, key_val_list in self)) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__config_path)
[docs] def get_config_parser(self): return self.__config_parser
[docs] def set_config_parser(self, value): self.__config_parser = value
[docs] def del_config_parser(self): del self.__config_parser
config_parser = property(get_config_parser, set_config_parser, del_config_parser, "ConfigParser : the parser for the config file") ############################################################ #---With support ############################################################ def __enter__(self): try: # open file self.__fp_write = open(self.__config_path, "w") return self except IOError as e: raise ConfigFileNotFoundError(abspath(self.__config_path), e), None, sys.exc_info()[2] def __exit__(self, _type, value, traceback): try: self.__config_parser.write(self.__fp_write) except IOError as e: raise ConfigFileNotFoundError(abspath(self.__config_path), e), None, sys.exc_info()[2] finally: # close file pointer self.__fp_write.close() ############################################################ #---Container magic methods ############################################################ def __len__(self): ''' Count number of entries for each section and sum it up ''' return sum((len(items) for _, items in self)) def __getitem__(self, key, default = 'default_val'): ''' Get an value from a section and option. Parameters ---------- key : tuple<str, str> First argument is the section and the second the option default : str, optional (default is 'default_val') If not found, return the `default` value. If value is the default, an exception will be raised. You can also use None as a default value. Raises ------ ConfigError If `default` not customized. ''' section, option = key try: return self.config_parser.get(section, option) except ConfigParser.Error as e: # no default value given if default == 'default_val': raise ConfigError('%s: %s' % (e, self.__config_path)), None, sys.exc_info()[2] return default def __setitem__(self, key, value): ''' Set a value for a section and option. Parameters ---------- key : tuple<str, str> First argument is the section and the second the option Raises ------ ConfigError ''' try: section, option = key cp = self.config_parser # create section if not already present if not cp.has_section(section): cp.add_section(section) self.config_parser.set(section, option, value) except ConfigParser.Error as e: raise ConfigError(e), None, sys.exc_info()[2] def __delitem__(self, key): '''Delete the option from the section but not the section!. Parameters ---------- key : tuple<str, str> First argument is the section and the second the option Raises ------ ConfigError ''' section, option = key try: self.config_parser.remove_option(section, option) except ConfigParser.Error as e: raise ConfigError(e), None, sys.exc_info()[2] def __iter__(self): ''' Get a generator over the settings. Returns ------- generator<tuple<str, list< tuple<str, str> >>> Generator over settings with the section as first entry and list of tuples with option and value as second. Raises ------ ConfigError ''' cp = self.config_parser try: section = cp.sections() for s in section: yield s, cp.items(s) except ConfigParser.Error as e: raise ConfigError(e), None, sys.exc_info()[2] def __contains__(self, item): ''' Check if the section has the specified option. Parameters ---------- key : tuple<str, str> First argument is the section and the second the option ''' try: return self[item] except (ConfigParser.Error, KeyError): return False return True ############################################################ #--Other return types ############################################################
[docs] def get_int(self, key, **kwargs): ''' Get an int value from a section and option. Parameters ---------- key : tuple<str, str> First argument is the section and the second the option Other Parameters ---------------- default : str, optional (default is 'default_val') If not found, return the `default` value. If value is the default, an exception will be raised. You can also use None as a default value. Raises ------ ConfigError If `default` not customized. ''' res = self.__getitem__(key, **kwargs) # probably default value if res is None: return res return int(res.strip())
[docs] def get_bool(self, key, **kwargs): ''' Get an boolean value from a section and option. Parameters ---------- key : tuple<str, str> First argument is the section and the second the option Other Parameters ---------------- default : str, optional (default is 'default_val') If not found, return the `default` value. If value is the default, an exception will be raised. You can also use None as a default value. Raises ------ ConfigError If `default` not customized. ''' res = self.__getitem__(key, **kwargs) if isinstance(res, str): return res.lower().strip() in ('true', 'y', 'yes') # probably default value return res
[docs] def get_list(self, key, **kwargs): ''' Get an list value from a section and option. Values have to be comma separated (without " or '). Parameters ---------- key : tuple<str, str> First argument is the section and the second the option Other Parameters ---------------- default : str, optional (default is 'default_val') If not found, return the `default` value. If value is the default, an exception will be raised. You can also use None as a default value. Raises ------ ConfigError If `default` not customized. ''' res = self.__getitem__(key, **kwargs) if isinstance(res, str): # split into values and return list return map(lambda x : x.strip(), res.split(",")) # probably default value return res
############################################################ #---AndroLyzeLab specific ############################################################
[docs] def get_mongodb_settings(self): ''' Get mongodb settings. Username and password are set to None if not given ''' import androlyze.settings as s mongodb_name = self[(s.SECTION_RESULT_DB, s.KEY_RESULT_DB_NAME)] mongodb_ip = self[(s.SECTION_RESULT_DB, s.KEY_RESULT_DB_IP)] mongodb_port = self.get_int((s.SECTION_RESULT_DB, s.KEY_RESULT_DB_PORT)) mongodb_username = self.__getitem__((s.SECTION_RESULT_DB, s.KEY_RESULT_DB_AUTH_USERNAME), default = None) mongodb_passwd = self.__getitem__((s.SECTION_RESULT_DB, s.KEY_RESULT_DB_AUTH_PASSWD), default = None) mongodb_use_ssl = self.get_bool((s.SECTION_RESULT_DB, s.KEY_RESULT_DB_USE_SSL)) mongodb_ca_cert = self[(s.SECTION_RESULT_DB, s.KEY_RESULT_DB_CA_CERT)] return mongodb_name, mongodb_ip, mongodb_port, mongodb_username, mongodb_passwd, mongodb_use_ssl, mongodb_ca_cert
[docs] def get_s3_settings(self): ''' Get S3 settings ''' import androlyze.settings as s aws_access_key_id = self[(s.SECTION_S3_STORAGE, s.KEY_S3_STORAGE_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID)] aws_secret_access_key = self[(s.SECTION_S3_STORAGE, s.KEY_S3_STORAGE_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY)] aws_apk_bucket = self[(s.SECTION_S3_STORAGE, s.KEY_S3_STORAGE_AWS_APK_BUCKET)] aws_s3_host = self.__getitem__((s.SECTION_S3_STORAGE, s.KEY_S3_STORAGE_AWS_HOST_URL), default = None) return aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, aws_apk_bucket, aws_s3_host
[docs] def get_apk_storage_engine(self): ''' Get the apk storage engine. See keys settings.APK_STORAGE_ENGINE_* ''' import androlyze.settings as s return self[(s.SECTION_APK_DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE, s.KEY_APK_STORAGE_ENGINE)]
[docs] def get_celery_broker_ssl_opts(self): ''' Create dictionary which can be directly passed to `BROKER_USE_SSL` celery config ''' from androlyze.settings import SECTION_BROKER, KEY_BROKER_USE_SSL,\ KEY_BROKER_SSL_CA_CERT, KEY_BROKER_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH,\ KEY_BROKER_SSL_CLIENT_KEYFILE, KEY_BROKER_SSL_CLIENT_CERT import ssl as s ssl = {} if self.get_bool((SECTION_BROKER, KEY_BROKER_USE_SSL)): ssl['ca_certs'] = expanduser(self[(SECTION_BROKER, KEY_BROKER_SSL_CA_CERT)]) ssl['cert_reqs'] = s.CERT_NONE # client authentication if self.get_bool((SECTION_BROKER, KEY_BROKER_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH)): ssl['keyfile'] = expanduser(self[(SECTION_BROKER, KEY_BROKER_SSL_CLIENT_KEYFILE)]) ssl['certfile'] = expanduser(self[(SECTION_BROKER, KEY_BROKER_SSL_CLIENT_CERT)]) ssl['cert_reqs'] = s.CERT_REQUIRED return ssl
[docs] def script_hash_validation_enabled(self): # prevent import error from androlyze.settings import SECTION_ANALYSIS, KEY_ANALYSIS_SCRIPT_HASH_VALIDATION return self[(SECTION_ANALYSIS, KEY_ANALYSIS_SCRIPT_HASH_VALIDATION)]