Source code for

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__author__ = "Nils Tobias Schmidt"
__email__ = "schmidt89 at"

from os import makedirs
import os
from os.path import join, exists
import shutil
import sys
from time import sleep

from androlyze.loader.exception import CouldNotOpenApk
from androlyze.log.Log import log, clilog
from androlyze.model.analysis.result.StaticResultKeys import *
from import FastApk
from androlyze.model.script import ScriptUtil as ScriptUtil
from androlyze.model.script.AndroScript import AndroScript
from import Util as StorageUtil
from import ImportStorageInterface
from import ResultWritingInterface
from import ApkCopyInterface
from import FileSysStoreException, \
    FileSysCreateStorageStructureException, FileSysDeleteException, \
from import MongoUtil
from pymongo.errors import PyMongoError
from androlyze.util import Util 

[docs]class FileSysStorage(object, ImportStorageInterface, ResultWritingInterface, ApkCopyInterface): ''' Manages the file system storage. ''' # directory name where the results will be kept APK_RES_DIRNAME = "res" # directory name where the apks will be imported to APK_IMPORT_DIRNAME = "apk" def __init__(self, store_root_dir): ''' Create a file system store that manages the import of apks to the file system as well as storing results of the analysis. Parameters ---------- store_root_dir: str The root directory under which the results will be stored. ''' # use absolute path self.__store_root_dir = os.path.abspath(store_root_dir) def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.store_root_dir)
[docs] def get_store_root_dir(self): return self.__store_root_dir
[docs] def set_store_root_dir(self, value): self.__store_root_dir = value
[docs] def del_store_root_dir(self): del self.__store_root_dir
store_root_dir = property(get_store_root_dir, set_store_root_dir, del_store_root_dir, "str - holds the path under which results will be stored")
[docs] def create_filesys_structure(self, file_path): ''' Create the file system path where the results will be kept for the specified `file_path` Parameters ---------- file_path : str The path structure to create. Raises ------ FileSysCreateStorageStructureException If the directories could not be created or the apk file could not be opened. ''' try: self._checkn_create_storage_root_paths() # check that path does not already exist if not exists(file_path): makedirs(file_path) except (OSError, CouldNotOpenApk) as e: raise FileSysCreateStorageStructureException(file_path, self, e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
############################################################ #---StorageInterface ############################################################
[docs] def create_entry_for_apk(self, apk, update = False, tag = None): ''' Create the file system path where the results will be kept for the specified `apk` file. Parameters ---------- apk : Apk update : bool, optional (default is False) Has no effect here. tag : str, optional (default is None) Has no effect here. Raises ------ FileSysCreateStorageStructureException If the directories could not be created or the apk file could not be opened. ''' self.create_filesys_structure(self.get_apk_res_path(apk))
[docs] def delete_entry_for_apk(self, apk, delete_apk = False): ''' Delete the entry for `apk`. Parameters ---------- apk: Apk delete_apk : boolean, optional (default is False) If true, also delete the .apk file from the file system (but only if it is in the storage directory!). Raises ------ FileSysDeleteException ''' try: # only delete the apk if delete_apk and self.is_in_store_dir(apk): path = self.get_apk_res_path(apk) # delete the apk/package_name/version_name/ apk_import_path = join(self.get_apk_import_base_path(), apk.package_name, apk.version_name) # change dir, to remove only up to this point os.chdir(join('..', apk_import_path)) shutil.rmtree(apk_import_path) try: apk_import_path = join(self.get_apk_import_base_path(), apk.package_name) # also try to delete apk/package_name if dir is empty if self._get_cnt_visible_dirs(apk_import_path) == 0: os.chdir(join('..', apk_import_path)) shutil.rmtree(apk_import_path) # will raise an error if dir not empty -> ignore it except OSError: pass except (OSError, CouldNotOpenApk) as e: raise FileSysDeleteException(path, self, e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
############################################################ #---ResultWritingInterface ############################################################
[docs] def store_result_for_apk(self, apk, script): ''' Store the results in the file system. If a custom result object is used in `script` and it's not a `ResultObject`, str(custom res object) will be used for writing to disk. Parameters ---------- apk: Apk script: AndroScript Raises ------ FileSysStoreException Returns ------- str Path to result file. ''' try: res_filename = self.get_apk_res_filename(apk, script) with open(res_filename, "w") as f: log.debug("storing results for %s, %s to %s", apk.short_description(), script, res_filename) if not script.uses_custom_result_object(): f.write(script.res.write_to_json()) else: res = self.get_custom_res_obj_representation(script) # log json if custom res obj is `ResultObject if ScriptUtil.is_result_object(res): res = res.write_to_json() f.write(res) return res_filename except IOError as e: raise FileSysStoreException(res_filename, str(apk), self, e)
############################################################ #---ApkCopyInterface ############################################################
[docs] def copy_apk(self, apk, file_like_obj, **kwargs): ''' Copy the `apk` to the file system (path specified through `store_root_dir`). See also: :py:meth:`.ApkCopyInterface.copy_apk`. Parameters ---------- apk: Apk Holds meta information needed to create the subdirectory names. file_like_obj A file-like object which holds the .apk data Raises ------ IOError FileSysCreateStorageStructureException Returns ------- str The path were the apk file has been copied ''' apk_file_path = self.get_apk_import_file_name(apk) log.debug("copying %s to %s", apk.short_description(), apk_file_path) # create path for apk if not existing apk_import_path = None try: apk_import_path = self.get_apk_import_path(apk) if not exists(apk_import_path): makedirs(apk_import_path) except OSError as e: raise FileSysCreateStorageStructureException(apk_import_path, self, e), None, sys.exc_info()[2] # copy apk with open(apk_file_path, "wb") as apk_copy: apk_copy.write( return apk_file_path
############################################################ #--Custom ############################################################
[docs] def get_apk_import_base_path(self): ''' Returns the base path where the .apk will be stored ''' return join(self.store_root_dir, self.APK_IMPORT_DIRNAME)
[docs] def get_apk_res_base_path(self): ''' Returns the base path where the results of the `apk` analysis will be kept ''' return join(self.store_root_dir, self.APK_RES_DIRNAME)
############################################################ #---Apk based path getter functions ############################################################
[docs] def get_apk_import_file_name(self, apk): ''' Returns the full path where the .apk will be stored. Parameters ---------- apk : Apk Returns ------ str ''' return join(self.get_apk_import_base_path(), self.get_apk_sub_path(apk), apk.get_apk_filename_from_manifest())
[docs] def get_apk_res_filename(self, apk, script): ''' Return the path for the result filename. Parameters ---------- apk : Apk script : AndroScript Raises ------ CouldNotOpenApk If the APK could no be opened ''' apk_sub_path = self.get_apk_sub_path(apk) return join(self.get_apk_res_base_path(), apk_sub_path, script.get_file_name())
[docs] def get_apk_res_path(self, apk): ''' Returns the path structure for results of the `apk` analysis. Parameters ---------- apk: Apk Returns ------- str: path Raises ------ CouldNotOpenApk If the APK could no be opened ''' return join(self.store_root_dir, self.APK_RES_DIRNAME, self.get_apk_sub_path(apk))
[docs] def get_apk_import_path(self, apk): ''' Returns the path structure for import directory of the `apk`. Parameters ---------- apk: Apk Returns ------- str: path Raises ------ CouldNotOpenApk If the APK could no be opened ''' return join(self.store_root_dir, self.APK_IMPORT_DIRNAME, self.get_apk_sub_path(apk))
[docs] def get_apk_sub_path(self, apk): ''' Returns the sub path structure for the `apk`. The structure is: ... |-> package |-> version |-> sha256 Parameters ---------- apk: Apk Returns ------- str: path Raises ------ CouldNotOpenApk If the APK could no be opened ''' package = apk.package_name version_name = apk.version_name # if hash caluclated from file, can raise CouldNotOpenApk sha256 = apk.hash return StorageUtil.get_apk_path(package, version_name, sha256)
############################################################ #---Non-apk based path getter functions ############################################################
[docs] def get_apk_res_path_all_args(self, package_name, version_name, _hash): ''' Returns the path structure for result storage. Parameters ---------- package_name : str Package name of the apk. Unique apk identifier (at least in the store) version_name : str Version name _hash : str The hash of the apk. Returns ------- str: path ''' return join(self.store_root_dir, self.APK_RES_DIRNAME, StorageUtil.get_apk_path(package_name, version_name, _hash))
############################################################ #---Helper functions ############################################################ def _checkn_create_storage_root_paths(self): ''' Check if the structure for the import and analysis results already exists. Otherwise create it. Raises ------ FileSysCreateStorageStructureException ''' path = None # create basic path structure for import and results of the apks # apk import structure try: path = self.get_apk_import_base_path() if not exists(path): makedirs(path) except OSError as e: raise FileSysCreateStorageStructureException(path, self, e), None, sys.exc_info()[2] # apk result structure try: path = self.get_apk_res_base_path() if not exists(path): makedirs(path) except OSError as e: raise FileSysCreateStorageStructureException(path, self, e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
[docs] def is_in_store_dir(self, apk): ''' Check if the path of the `apk` is in the store dir. Parameters ---------- apk : Apk ''' return apk.path.startswith(self.store_root_dir)
@staticmethod def _get_cnt_visible_dirs(root_dir): ''' Get the number of directories in `root_dir` minus the ones beginning with "." ''' cnt = 0 for subdir in os.listdir(root_dir): path = join(root_dir, subdir) if os.path.isdir(path) and not subdir.startswith("."): cnt +=1 return cnt ############################################################ #---Custom storage ############################################################
[docs] def store_result_dict(self, res_dict): ''' Store the analysis results from the `res_dict`. All needed infos for storage will be taken from it. Parameters ---------- res_dict : dict See `ResultObject.description_dict` ''' fastapk = FastApk.load_from_result_dict(res_dict) script = AndroScript.load_from_result_dict(res_dict, fastapk) try: self.create_entry_for_apk(fastapk, update = True) self.store_result_for_apk(fastapk, script) except FileSysStoreException as e: log.warn(e)
[docs] def store_custom_data(self, package_name, version_name, _hash, file_name, data): ''' Store custom data to the file system (also with the result directory as root) Parameters ---------- package_name : str Package name of the apk. Unique apk identifier (at least in the store) version_name : str Version name _hash : str The hash of the apk. file_name : str File name. data : object The data what shall be written to disk. Will write str(data) to disk. Raises ------ FileSysStoreException ''' try: # create basic fs structure base_path = self.get_apk_res_path_all_args(package_name, version_name, _hash) self.create_filesys_structure(base_path) file_path = join(base_path, file_name) try: with open(file_path, "w") as f: f.write(str(data)) except IOError as e: raise FileSysStoreException(file_path, "custom data", self, e) except FileSysCreateStorageStructureException as e: log.exception(e)
############################################################ #---MongoDB Syncing ############################################################
[docs] def fetch_results_from_mongodb(self, rds, results, wait_for_db = True, # progress nice_progess = False, synced_entries = None, total_sync_entries = None): ''' Fetch some results from the result database and write them to disk. If data cannot be loaded from db, try until it can be. Parameters ---------- rds : ResultDatabaseStorage The database to query for the results. results : list< tuple<id, gridfs (bool)> > Define which results shall be fetched. wait_for_db : bool, optional (default is True) Wait until data could be fetched from db. nice_progess : bool, optional (default is False) If enabled update show some nice progress bar on the cli. synced_entries : multiprocessing.Value<int>, optional (default is None) If supplied store number of already synces entries. total_sync_entries : multiprocessing.Value<int>, optional (default is None) If supplied store number of total entries to sync. Raises ------ DatabaseLoadException If `wait_for_db` is False and an error occurred. ''' # retry in ... seconds DATABASE_RETRY_TIME = 5 # if true assume both counts are shared memory (Value) use_shared_memory = synced_entries is not None and total_sync_entries is not None if results is not None: results_stored = False while not results_stored: try: # get ids non_gridfs_ids, gridfs_ids = MongoUtil.split_result_ids(results) # counts cnt_non_gridfs_ids = len(non_gridfs_ids) cnt_gridfs_ids = len(gridfs_ids) if use_shared_memory: total_sync_entries.value = cnt_gridfs_ids + cnt_non_gridfs_ids # gridfs raw data as well as metadata gridfs_entries_raw = [] if gridfs_ids: gridfs_entries_raw = rds.get_results_for_ids(gridfs_ids, non_document = True, non_document_raw = True) # regular documents (non gridfs) non_gridfs_entries = [] if non_gridfs_ids: non_gridfs_entries = rds.get_results_for_ids(non_gridfs_ids, non_document = False, non_document_raw = True) if not nice_progess: log.debug("fetching %d non-documents (gridfs) ... ", cnt_gridfs_ids) for i, gridfs_entry_raw in enumerate(gridfs_entries_raw, 1): # get our stored metadata (for script and apk) gridfs_entry_meta = gridfs_entry_raw.metadata if not nice_progess: log.debug("getting results for %s", gridfs_entry_meta[RESOBJ_APK_META][RESOBJ_APK_META_PACKAGE_NAME]) else: Util.print_dyn_progress(Util.format_progress(i, cnt_gridfs_ids)) # use apk to extract data from dict fastapk = FastApk.load_from_result_dict(gridfs_entry_meta) # get filename file_name = gridfs_entry_raw.filename # write results to disk try: self.store_custom_data(fastapk.package_name, fastapk.version_name, fastapk.hash, file_name, except FileSysStoreException as e: log.exception(e) # update shared memory progress indicitor if use_shared_memory: with synced_entries.get_lock(): synced_entries.value += 1 if not nice_progess: log.debug("fetching %d documents (non-gridfs) ... ", cnt_non_gridfs_ids) for i, non_gridfs_entry in enumerate(non_gridfs_entries, 1): if not nice_progess: clilog.debug("getting results for %s" % non_gridfs_entry[RESOBJ_APK_META][RESOBJ_APK_META_PACKAGE_NAME]) else: Util.print_dyn_progress(Util.format_progress(i, cnt_non_gridfs_ids)) # write results to disk self.store_result_dict(non_gridfs_entry) # update shared memory progress indicitor if use_shared_memory: with synced_entries.get_lock(): synced_entries.value += 1 # if not wait for db wanted stop here results_stored = True or not wait_for_db except (DatabaseLoadException, PyMongoError) as e: if not wait_for_db: raise log.warn(e) Util.log_will_retry(DATABASE_RETRY_TIME, exc = e) sleep(DATABASE_RETRY_TIME)