Source code for

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__author__ = "Nils Tobias Schmidt"
__email__ = "schmidt89 at"

from io import BytesIO
from pprint import pprint
import re
import sys

from boto.exception import BotoClientError, S3ResponseError
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
from boto.s3.key import Key

from androlyze.analyze import AnalyzeUtil
from androlyze.log.Log import log
from androlyze.model.analysis.result.StaticResultKeys import RESOBJ_APK_META
from import Util
from import ApkCopyInterface
from import S3StorageOpenError, \
    S3StorageStoreException, S3StorageLoadException

[docs]class S3Storage(object, ApkCopyInterface): def __init__(self, aws_id, aws_key, aws_bucket_name, s3_hostname = None): ''' Parameters ---------- aws_id : str ID of the Amazon AWS account. aws_key : str Key of the Amazon AWS account. aws_bucket_name : str Bucket name where the APKs are stored. s3_hostname : str, optional (default is None) The URL for the S3 storage. E.g. "" ''' self._s3_conn = S3Connection(aws_id, aws_key, host=s3_hostname) self._apk_bucket_name = aws_bucket_name if "." in aws_bucket_name: raise RuntimeError("Do not use '.' inside the bucket name: '%s'" % aws_bucket_name) try: self._apk_bucket = self.s3_conn.get_bucket(self.apk_bucket_name)"opening %s", self) except (BotoClientError, S3ResponseError) as e: raise S3StorageOpenError(self.apk_bucket_name, caused_by = e) def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): return 'S3 bucket: %s' % self.apk_bucket_name
[docs] def get_apk_bucket_name(self): return self._apk_bucket_name
[docs] def set_apk_bucket_name(self, value): self._apk_bucket_name = value
[docs] def del_apk_bucket_name(self): del self._apk_bucket_name
[docs] def get_s3_conn(self): return self._s3_conn
[docs] def set_s3_conn(self, value): self._s3_conn = value
[docs] def del_s3_conn(self): del self._s3_conn
[docs] def get_apk_bucket(self): return self._apk_bucket
[docs] def set_apk_bucket(self, value): self._apk_bucket = value
[docs] def del_apk_bucket(self): del self._apk_bucket
s3_conn = property(get_s3_conn, set_s3_conn, del_s3_conn, "S3Connection : Connection to Amazon S3") apk_bucket = property(get_apk_bucket, set_apk_bucket, del_apk_bucket, "Bucket: APK bucket") apk_bucket_name = property(get_apk_bucket_name, set_apk_bucket_name, del_apk_bucket_name, "str: Name of the APK bucket") ############################################################ #---Bucket stuff ############################################################
[docs] def bucket_create(self, key, val, metadata_dict = {}): ''' Create an object in the bucket, but only if not yet present (save traffic). Parameters --------- key : str val : file-like object metadata_dict : dict Returns ------- Key ''' s3_key = Key(self.apk_bucket) s3_key.key = key # important: set metadata before actual upload s3_key.metadata = metadata_dict s3_key.content_type = 'application/' # upload log.debug("uploading %s", s3_key.key) s3_key.set_contents_from_file(val, replace = False) return s3_key
[docs] def bucket_get(self, key): ''' Get a `Key` object from S3 with the given `key`. Parameters ---------- key: str Identifier of the object in the bucket Returns ------- Key ''' k = Key(self.apk_bucket) k.key = key return k
[docs] def fmt_metadata(metadata): ''' Escape the dictionary suitable for boto. Parameters ---------- metadata : dict ''' def fmt(v): fallback = 'N/A' if v is None: return fallback return v metadata = Util.escape_dict(metadata, fmt, escape_keys = False, escape_values = True) metadata = Util.escape_dict(metadata, lambda v: re.sub("\s+", "_", v), escape_keys = True, escape_values = False) return metadata
############################################################ #---ApkCopyInterface ############################################################
[docs] def copy_apk(self, apk, file_like_obj, **kwargs): ''' See doc of :py:meth:`.ApkCopyInterface.copy_apk`. Copy the apk into the S3 storage. Returns ------- boto.s3.key.Key The stored object. ''' # use path as id to simulate folder structure in S3 _id = self.get_s3_id(apk) try: metadata = self.fmt_metadata(apk.meta_dict()[RESOBJ_APK_META]) key = self.bucket_create(_id, file_like_obj, metadata) return key except (BotoClientError, S3ResponseError) as e: raise S3StorageStoreException(self, "apk: %s" % apk.short_description(), caused_by = e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
[docs] def get_s3_id(apk): ''' Parameters ---------- apk : Apk Returns ------- str The id for the apk in the S3 storage ''' return Util.get_apk_path_incl_filename(apk)
[docs] def get_apk(self, _hash, apk = None, **kwargs): ''' Get the `EAndroApk` from `_hash`. Parameters ---------- _hash : str Hash of the .apk (sha256) apk : Apk Carries metainformation needed to build the whole path to the element in S3. Raises ------ S3StorageLoadException Returns ------- EAndroApk Apk constructed from raw data and meta infos. ''' # use to hold apk meta infos #fast_apk = FastApk(package_name, version_name, path, _hash, import_date, tag) try: apk_raw = BytesIO() if apk is None: raise S3StorageLoadException(self, content = "Apk:%s" % apk.short_description(), caused_by = RuntimeError("No APK metainformation given!")), None, sys.exc_info()[2] _id = Util.get_apk_path_incl_filename(apk) self.bucket_get(_id).get_contents_to_file(apk_raw) eandro_apk = AnalyzeUtil.open_apk(, None, raw = True) return eandro_apk except (BotoClientError, S3ResponseError) as e: raise S3StorageLoadException(self, content = "Apk:%s" % apk.short_description(), caused_by = e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
[docs]def factory_from_config(settings): ''' Get an `S3Storage` object` from the distributed config file. Parameters ---------- settings : Settings ''' from androlyze.celery.celerysettings import settings return S3Storage(*settings.get_s3_settings())