Source code for playstore

#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

__author__ = "Nils Tobias Schmidt"
__email__ = "schmidt89 at"

Little helper for the `google-play-crawler`

import csv
from datetime import datetime
import json
import os
from os.path import abspath
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import traceback
from collections import OrderedDict

# Edit !                                                   #

GOOGLE_PLAY_CRAWLER_BIN_NAME = "googleplaycrawler.jar"
GOOGLE_PLAY_CRAWLER_CONF = os.path.abspath("conf/crawler.conf")

DL_ROOT_DIR = "playstore_dl/"
# time to sleep between starting next download

# Don't touch                                              #

BASE_EXEC = "java -jar {} --conf {}".format(abspath(GOOGLE_PLAY_CRAWLER_BIN_NAME), GOOGLE_PLAY_CRAWLER_CONF)

GET_PACKAGES = "{} list %s -s %s -n %s -o %s".format(BASE_EXEC)
APK_DOWNLOAD = "{} download %s".format(BASE_EXEC)
LIST_CATEGORIES = "{} categories".format(BASE_EXEC)

SUBCATEGORY_TOPSELLING_FREE = "apps_topselling_free"
SUBCATEGORY_TOPSELLING_NEW_FREE = "apps_topselling_new_free"

# otherwise googleplaycrawler says "oo many results requested.*"
# the maximal offset we can supply gpc

[docs]def get_cagetories(): ''' Returns a list of categories available on the PlayStore ''' proc = subprocess.Popen(LIST_CATEGORIES, shell = True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) csvr = csv.DictReader(proc.stdout, delimiter=";") return [row["ID"] for row in csvr]
[docs]def get_package_names(category, subcategory, number = 50): ''' Get a set of package names for the given `category` and `subcategory` ''' # gpc can only list `MAX_CNT_GPC_LISTING` items at once -> we have to divide it into n queries cnt_runs = number / MAX_CNT_GPC_LISTING + 1 offset = 0 package_names = [] for _ in range(1, cnt_runs + 1): # no more items available, limited through play store if offset >= MAX_OFFSET_GPC_LISTING: break # download first items proc = subprocess.Popen(GET_PACKAGES % (category, subcategory, min(number, MAX_CNT_GPC_LISTING), offset), shell = True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) csvr = csv.DictReader(proc.stdout, delimiter=";") package_names.extend([row["Package"] for row in csvr]) # next query with new offset offset += MAX_CNT_GPC_LISTING if offset > MAX_OFFSET_GPC_LISTING: offset = MAX_OFFSET_GPC_LISTING return set(package_names)
[docs]def check_n_create_dl_dir(sub_dir = "."): ''' Check if the download directory already exists. Otherwise create it. Parameters ---------- sub_dirs : str Subdirectory to create under the root download directory. ''' dl_dir = os.path.join(DL_ROOT_DIR, sub_dir) try: # create dir structure if not existing if not os.path.exists(dl_dir): os.makedirs(dl_dir) except OSError: traceback.print_exception(*sys.exc_info())
[docs]def download_apks(package_name_list, dl_root_dir = "."): ''' Download the .apk s for the given list of pacakge names to the specified `dl_dir` (default is `DL_ROOT_DIR`) ''' print "Downloading: %s" % ', '.join(package_name_list) for pn in package_name_list: old_cwd = os.getcwd() check_n_create_dl_dir(dl_root_dir) dl_dir = os.path.join(DL_ROOT_DIR, dl_root_dir) try: while 1: # change do download dir os.chdir(dl_dir) dl = subprocess.Popen(APK_DOWNLOAD % pn, shell = True, stdout = None) # wait for process to finish dl.wait() if dl.returncode == 0: break else: sys.stderr.write("Could not download %s! Retrying ...") except: traceback.print_exception(*sys.exc_info()) finally: # change back to old cwd os.chdir(old_cwd) # don't be too aggressive print "starting next dl in %ss" % DL_SLEEP_TIME time.sleep(DL_SLEEP_TIME)
[docs]def download_n_all_categories(subcategory, number): ''' Download `number` of apks from `subcategory` ''' filename = os.path.join(DL_ROOT_DIR, 'top_%d_%s_%s.json' % (number, subcategory, apks_dict = OrderedDict() # create root dl dir first check_n_create_dl_dir() with open(filename, "w") as f: for category in get_cagetories(): print "Downloading the %s apks from category: %s" % (subcategory, category) package_names = get_package_names(category, subcategory, number) apks_dict[category] = list(package_names) json.dump(apks_dict, f, indent = 4) f.flush() # dl dir : subcategory/category/ dl_dir = os.path.join(subcategory, category) download_apks(package_names, dl_dir) print "\n" * 5
if __name__ == "__main__": args = sys.argv if len(args) < 2: print_help() else: args = sys.argv[1:] cmd = args[0] if cmd == "download": if len(args) != 4: print_help() category, subcategory, number = args[1:] number = int(number) package_names = get_package_names(category, subcategory, number) print "packages: %s" % ', '.join(package_names) dl_dir = os.path.join(category, subcategory) download_apks(package_names, dl_dir) elif cmd == "list": print '\n'.join(get_cagetories()) elif cmd == "download_pn": if len(args) != 2: print_help() package_name = args[1] download_apks([package_name]) elif cmd in ("download_new_all_categories", "download_top_all_categories"): if len(args) != 2: print_help() number = args[1] number = int(number) if cmd == "download_new_all_categories": download_n_all_categories(SUBCATEGORY_TOPSELLING_NEW_FREE, number) elif cmd == "download_top_all_categories": download_n_all_categories(SUBCATEGORY_TOPSELLING_FREE, number) else: print "Unknown command!" print_help()