
Install AndroLyze

# clone recursive to fetch submodules
git clone --recursive

cd androlyze

# copy the sample config file
cp androlyze/settings/defaults/config.conf conf/
cp androlyze/settings/defaults/script_settings.json conf/

# copy config for google-play-crawler (needed for
cp google-play-crawler/googleplay/crawler.conf conf/

# revoke not needed permissions for config files (contains credentials)
chmod 600 -R conf/

Install other requirements

# install pip
sudo apt-get install python-pip

# install python requirements
pip install --user -r docker/worker/requirements.txt

Distributed Environment

# only for task server
sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server

# only for result database
sudo apt-get install mongodb


Also see MongoDB installation

Authentication and SSL


The user creation shown below is for MongoDB version 2.4, 2.2 is a different API ! For version 3 one has to use db.createUser instead of db.addUser but with the same arguments!

First we need to add an account. One for user administration, second for database r/w access.

# start the mongo shell
mongo <host>
use admin
# add useradmin
db.addUser( { user: "useradmin",
              pwd: "pwd",
              roles: [ "userAdminAnyDatabase"] } )

# add androlyze user (needs full access to create user supplied databases via config file)
db.addUser( { user: "androlyze",
              pwd: "pwd",
              roles: [ "readWriteAnyDatabase"] } )

Enable authentication in config file (/etc/mongodb.conf)

# mongodb.conf

# Where to store the data.

#where to log


bind_ip =
port = 27017

# Enable journaling,

auth = true

For X509 certificate creation have a look at RabbitMQ website. For SSL add these values too:

# SSL options
sslMode = requireSSL

# SSL Key file and certificate
sslPEMKeyFile = /etc/ssl/private/mongodb/mongodb.pem

sslOnNormalPorts = true

# ca certificate
sslCAFile = /etc/ssl/certs/androlyze_ca.pem

# client don't need a certificate
sslWeakCertificateValidation = true

Restart server

sudo /etc/init.d/mongodb restart


If you are encountering any troubles with starting the mongodb server, try to start it manually with mongod –config /etc/mongodb.conf and have a look at the log file.

or test with sudo -u mongodb mongod –config /etc/mongodb.conf


RabbitMQ configuration (see this for more details):

sudo rabbitmqctl add_user androlyze <pw>
sudo rabbitmqctl add_vhost androlyze_vhost
sudo rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p androlyze_vhost androlyze  ".*" ".*" ".*"

Extra space

We need a big task storage, so if your root disk is not big enough use some different path. Default is /var/lib/rabbitmq.

Set in file “/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf”



For X509 certificate creation have a look at RabbitMQ website.

File: /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config

  {rabbit, [
     {tcp_listeners, []},
     {ssl_listeners, [5671]},
     {ssl_options, [{cacertfile,"/etc/ssl/certs/androlyze_ca.pem"},


For errors have a look at the log file:

tail -n 50 /var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit....log

Deployment and Management

AndroLyze follows a classical cluster design. Therefore our deployment and manegement is automized with the help of Fabric which uses ssh to connect to the workers and executes the tasks locally on them.

Therefore you need to do set a few values in the Deployment section of the distributed config file.

Available fabric commands:

    cnt_processes         Cnt "celery worker" processes
    deploy_project        If `user` and/or `passwd` given, use them to authenticate when cloning via http.
    deploy_scripts        Deploy the scripts on the workers. `scripts_src` is the script folder what shall be synced
    deploy_testing        Deploy the testing code on the workers. Intended for usage where changes have not been comitted (or not to master)
    initial_worker_setup  Initial worker setup. Needs root access.
    install_dependencies  Set up the workers
    kill_processes        Kill the workers by sending the kill signal.
    list_processes        List "celery worker" processes
    restart_workers       Restart workers on registered hosts with specified concurrency.
    start_workers         Start workers on registered hosts with specified concurrency.
    stop_workers          Stop all workers.
# uses the username specified in config file or your username
fab start_workers

# don't try public-key auth
fab start_workers -k

# use worker as username
# otherwise
fab start_workers -u worker

# you can also use hosts other than in the config file
fab start_workers -H user@worker

# restart workers with default concurrency=#number of cores
fab restart_workers

# custom conurrency
fab restart_workers:concurrency=16

# use autoscaling, min: #number of cores, max: min * multiplicator
fab restart_workers:autoscale=True,autoscale_mult=2

# kill workers
fab kill_processes

# deploy scripts on workers
fab deploy_scripts:scripts_user/nils/


# don't use! it will wipe the scripts from other users!
fab deploy_scripts:scripts_user