Result evaluation

In the same way you can write a script you can also define how to perform queries against the result database. Have a look at the Eval class of the script template.

The class enables a direct way to the API of the MongoDB driver as well as the simplified query API from AndroLyze.

But be sure you have ran it before:

worker@ee6ff2ae704e:/home/worker/androlyze$ ./androanalyze androlyze/model/script/ --apks apks/
INFO: appending "androguard/" to sys.path
Welcome to AndroLyze!

Loaded scripts:
ScriptTemplate 0.1
WARNING: Analyzed 1 apks
WARNING: Took 0:00:01 (h/m/s)

The script can be evaluated by running:

worker@ee6ff2ae704e:/home/worker/androlyze$ ./androeval androlyze/model/script/
INFO: appending "androguard/" to sys.path
evaluating 'ScriptTemplate' version: 0.1
{u'_id': u'5d3e57fdbea31b2f0f1fa0e30b6df866d7b25b60bda3a6ccfd77f0490fa36c12',
 u'apk meta': OrderedDict([(u'package name', u'de.uni_marburg.ipcinetcallee'), (u'version name', u'1.0'), (u'sha256', u'2289f4ec4d4c753e920f7841a5f329ecc6abec3d2865b85bb9a55467cb056877'), (u'import date', None), (u'build_date', datetime.datetime(2015, 4, 21, 19, 35, 56)), (u'path', None), (u'tag', None)])}
WARNING: Took 0:00:00 (h/m/s)

The result shows the query performed in ScriptTemplate._evaluate() directly using the mongodb driver and shows an equivalent query using AndroLyze.


worker@06f5e795c279:/home/worker/androlyze$ ./androeval -h
INFO: appending "androguard/" to sys.path
usage: androeval [-h] [-idb IMPORT_DATABASE] [-rdb RESULT_DATABASE_NAME]
                 [-c CONFIG] [-q] [-v] [-vl VLOG] [-V] [--yes]
                 [scripts [scripts ...]]

positional arguments:
  scripts               Scripts for the db analysis

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Load a custom config file [default: conf/config.conf].
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --yes, -y             Autoconfirm question(s) on the command-line interface.

  -idb IMPORT_DATABASE, --import-database IMPORT_DATABASE
                        You can supply a custom import database [default:
  -rdb RESULT_DATABASE_NAME, --result-database-name RESULT_DATABASE_NAME
                        You can supply a custom result database name.
                        [default: conf/config.conf]

  -q, --quiet           Be quiet and do not log anything to stdout
  -v, --verbose         Set verbosity [default: 3], 1 -> CRITICAL, 2 -> ERROR,
                        3 -> WARN, 4 -> INFO, 5 -> DEBUG
  -vl VLOG, --verbose-log VLOG
                        Log stdout and stderr to file